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Jennifer Williams

In today’s digital age, establishing an online presence is a necessity for any small business. The truth is, if you’re not online, for many people you simply don’t exist. Consumers are expecting companies to be searchable on the Web. This holds true whether you are a local restaurant with 5 years of operation under your belt or a new startup that plans to create high-tech kitchen supplies.

Jennifer Williams

Summer is in full swing and it’s getting hot outside. Are your social media posts keeping up with the temps?

No matter the season, it can be challenging for small business owners to consistently craft quality content. The Internet is a noisy place where companies must get creative if they hope to stand a chance at capturing the attention of consumers these days.

Jennifer Williams

Running a small business requires, well, a lot of running! Every day you find yourself hopping between meetings, traveling to and from conferences and networking events, and speed-typing emails en-route to your car. All-too-often it seems like there’s hardly any time for a breather. In all of this chaos, it can be tough to feel productive.

Jennifer Williams

Eric ThomasBelieve it or not, the first FreedomVoice call was made July 2nd, 1996! From humble beginnings of our own, we’ve grown to help over 200,000 small businesses find their voice. These past 20 years have been quite the journey. Like any other entrepreneur, FreedomVoice Founder/CEO Eric Thomas saw a problem and set out to create a solution.

Peter Hales

Small Business Passion: QuesadillasStarting a business is not an easy task; it’s definitely not for everyone. The road to entrepreneurial success is paved in personal sacrifice, but the rewards make it all worthwhile. Before you can take your first step though, you need to have an idea.

Peter Hales

Have you started a referral program for your business? There is nothing as powerful to a potential customer as a recommendation from a trusted friend or colleague - no amount of advertising and marketing collateral can match it.

Jennifer Williams

The FreedomVoice team is so excited about joining the GoDaddy family – everyone’s been shouting from the rooftops how thrilled we are about growing. 

Eric Thomas

When I started FreedomVoice 20 years ago, I had one goal in mind: to help small businesses succeed by giving them professional communication services that, traditionally, were only available to large enterprises.

Jennifer Williams

Owning your own small business can be scary. Really scary. Like, Friday the 13th scary. But although many of the fears associated with owning your own business can be frightening, they’re a reality that need to be dealt with. We’ve discovered some of the biggest fears that small business owners face, and how to confront them head on.

Jennifer Williams

Your mom took care of you growing up. She potty trained you, made you PB&J sandwiches, and even tolerated your angsty teen years. Now that you’re out of the house and starting your own small business venture, you may think the days of your mom taking care of you are over – but it turns out, she probably could show you a thing or two about running a company.
